Thursday, February 7, 2013


The following is something that one of our students, Jenny, shared with us after TCX. It is so amazing to see God work in our students lives! Jenny is just one story of how we get to experience heart change for the Lord:

"At Life Options in November, we learned about truly giving our entire life to God, instead of expecting God to approve of our plans. This made sense to me, but I wasn't applying it to my life. The last session at TCX was about being sent as kingdom workers and I really began to think about what my specific calling is and whose plan I was following. In our campus time, I listened to what others got out of TCX, and it finally hit me. Tony was talking about why staff members love people who go on project - not because project is the only good option for the summer; it's more about how those students are following God in their decisions about everything in their life, including their summer. I realized at this point that I was not listening to God at all in my life, or at least not in planning my future. God wants me to give Him all of my life. I have applied for summer project and am waiting to hear if I'm accepted!"

Vehicle Update!

We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of you! We feel truly blessed to have you on our team!

In December, we sent out a letter asking for help in donating a vehicle or money towards one. Well, we have been truly blessed; not only did we receive several thousand dollars in support, but we also received a vehicle!! We are praising the Lord for this huge blessing and thanking him for all of you! It is because of you that we are able to serve the Lord at ISU and surrounding campuses! Thanking in helping to reach the world for Christ!